Building a photo/video studio
Published by Serge Stuart,

I finally decided to build a photo/video studio in my basement.
Since photography has always been my passion, I wanted to invest in advancing my craft by having my own studio to shoot in.
For years I have been shooting on location with an occasional studio project. I want to have a studio where I can do my projects, and if time allows work on clients’ projects as well.
First order of business was to paint the ceiling and walls flat dark grey, so that I can have total control of the light. Next, I am going to come up with a system to block outside light coming through the windows.
I still need to purchase some additional equipment, however I have 2 continuous lights, 2 strobes, 1 LED panel, backdrop, soft boxes, umbrellas, monitors, and of course cameras.
I am very excited to get this project going and hope to start doing some tests in my studio soon!
The studio page is HERE.